OCST Online Counselling Services & Training

Counselling, Online Counselling, Counselling Supervison, Online Supervision.
Useful links and Resources

This page has useful links for those who are seeking general information regarding counselling, online counselling, or resources for personal and professional use. Some of the sites mentioned offer services in email counselling support or ‘live chat’ counselling and support forums.
I will be continually updating this page so please feel free to come back and visit it again

Resources . ACTO logo

Online Resources for Counsellors, clients seeking:Counselling, Online Support, or Face to Face Counselling

Depression Alliance. If you are looking for support or resources relating to depression I have found this site very worthwhile. Depression alliance

Anxiety and Panic Attacks
No Panic is an organisation offering support and advice to sufferers of Anxiety and Panic attacks and also professionals seeking resources for clients. The site also has useful links to other websites and organisations relating to Anxiety and Panic.

British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body

Counsellingtutor.com is a resource offering resources to students and qualified practitioners alike. Counselling tutor

Online Events offers very reasonable membership to access a vast library of online resources and presentations Online Events

Kooth - online advice for young people

Panic Disorder
Panic Disorders

If you are considering working online with clients there are training providers in the UK who offer comprehensive courses which include skills training and the practicalities/ legal and ethical requirements for this medium of therapy.
Certificated Online Counselling training programmes are also available from this website with experiential learning provided by Jane Evans and the OCST tutors. Follow the link provided for further details
Online counselling training Courses provided by Jane Evans

ACTO is an organisation offering a variety of information and resources for counsellors and supervisors working online and are a UK organisation. I was a full- term executive member of ACTO and can recommend their support resources and the benefits of becoming a member.

Resources . Diversity9

Guidance for clients seeking online counselling

It is difficult to completely hide your internet activity but here are some helpful tips which can assist in maintaining the privacy of your email counselling:

Setting up a Private e-mail Address
If you want to send and receive personal e-mail it is possible to set up your own e-mail address which only you will have access to as long as you keep your username and password private. You can set up a web-based e-mail address so you can access e-mail from any computer with an internet connection by logging on at the main site of the provider you have chosen. Protonmail offers free encrypted email services which offer security for your mail exchanges, either on a personal level or when engaging with a counsellor.

How do I choose where to use the internet?
If you are seeking privacy the safest way will be somewhere you are unlikely to be disturbed, or that others could view the screen or hear whilst you are writing an email or in a webcam session with your counsellor.

Your website history / cache file
Your computer automatically keeps a history of the web pages you visit and may save graphics, cookies and other files to your computer. This means others can find out which websites you have visited by looking through your computer's history or cache file. You can clear your history or empty your cache file in your browser's settings.

Internet Explorer:
Click on the Tools menu (in the row at the top of the browser).
Select Internet Options from the drop down menu.
Select the tab labelled 'General'.
Under the title, 'Temporary Internet Files', click on 'Delete Files'.
You can also check the box that says delete all offline content.
Then, under 'History' click on 'Clear History.'
Then click OK, at the bottom.

Guidance for Online Counsellors
The storage of client records when working online requires careful adherence to Data protection and GDPR requirements and also Ethical Guidelines when working online. The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherpay (BACP)have information available for purchase to those counsellors working online with clients. BACP

Online Events

If you are looking for an online CPD resource which focused on online counselling and supervision, or general counselling and supervision practice, take at look at Online Events as they offer very reasonable membership and if you register there are literally thousands of resources in their library. You can also watch live events as an online delegate

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